If you would like to receive e-mail updates of the software written for the Mroocheck PC Mouse Interface, please send a message to: support@elbox.com subject: subscribe Mroocheck.driver body: , , , . MROOCHECK INTERFACE FEATURES The Mroocheck PC Mouse Interface (in U.K.: PUNCHINELLO MK II) is a microprocessor-based adapter for attaching PC mice, trackballs, glidepoints and radio-controlled mice to all models of Amiga computers. It is connected between the PC mouse and the Amiga Mouse port. It supports PC serial and combo (PS/2 and serial) mice in the following protocols: Mouse System format, Microsoft format, Microsoft format with Logitech extension. Mroocheck converts these serial protocols to Amiga Mouse Port format including all the specific features like the middle (3rd and 4th) button support or high resolution. The conversion is made entirely by the interface microprocessor so NO additional software drivers are required. The interface starts working simultaneous with the computer's start so mice could may be used in the early-startup-menu (unlike the mice connected through the serial port). Additionally, the Mroocheck interface recognises vertical and horizontal mouse wheel movements and converts them to analogue joystick signals. Mice wheel movements are sent to Amiga via Amiga Mouse Port. MROOCHECK.DRIVER Syntax: Mroocheck.driver QUIT/S, FREQ/N, PARAM0/N, PARAM1/N, PARAM2/N, PARAM3/N, PARAM4/N, where FREQ is the horizontal frequency (in kHz) of the current Amiga chipset graphic mode. Default value is FREQ=15 (PAL, NTSC). PARAM0 - PARAM4 parameters enable precise calibration of the driver with parameters of the A/D converter in the given Amiga computer taken into account. (See MROOCHECKCAL) The first time Mroocheck.driver is run without the FREQ parameter, parameters are assumed, which are appropriate for PAL and NTSC. The QUIT parameter switches the driver off. Further starting Mroocheck.driver without parameters activates the driver with the recent parameters set. Mroocheck.driver converts Amiga analogue joysticks signals (horizontal and vertical wheels movements) from Mroocheck PC Mouse Interface to input events for input.device. The input events generated by Mroocheck.driver are compliant with the format used by the NewMouse program (by Alessandro Zummo). This ensures full compatibility with all the existing wheel-support software. Wheel movements are transmitted independently of (simultaneously with) mouse movements and mouse buttons clicks. Mroocheck allows scrolling in both directions (horizontal and vertical) even with mice with one wheel only. Switching directions (from vertical to horizontal) in any one-wheel mouse is obtained by holding the 3rd mouse button simultaneous with wheel movement. FREEWHEEL PROGRAM FreeWheel is a utility to convert wheel mouse events into scrollbar movement or cursor key movements. It can also map several useful functions to the wheel button, and even to the fourth button... Please read FreeWheel.guide for more information. MROOCHECKTEST When Mroocheck.driver is running, MroocheckTest shows wheel movements. MROOCHECKCAL MroocheckCAL is a utility to enable checking calibration of the A/D converter for the given Amiga computer. MroocheckCal may be activated only when Mroocheck.driver is switched off. The Mroocheck.driver QUIT command switches off Mroocheck.driver. After switching on the MroocheckCal utility, each turn of the wheel displays appropriate numbers (expressed in decimal system) read from A/D converters in Amiga. These correspond with the wheel movement in the given direction and with no movement. To calibrate converters, write value ranges for the given frequency of AGA chips (Vertical Frequency): 1. no wheel (value from A to B), 2. wheel left (value from C to D), 3. wheel right (value from E to F), 4. wheel down (value from G to H), 5. wheel up (value to I). On the basis of these values, appropriate values of PARAM0 - PARAM4 parameters may be found for the given computer. ------------------------------------------------------- PARAM0 - PARAM4 must meet the following conditions: B < PARAM0 < C, D < PARAM1 < E, F < PARAM2 < G, If I > H, then: H < PARAM3 < I, PARAM4 < A. If I < H, then: H < PARAM3, I < PARAM4 < A. ------------------------------------------------------- For factory-calibrated Amiga, the values are: ------------------- For PAL mode (15.60 kHz): ------------------- 1. no wheel (value from A to B): 18 to 19, 2. wheel left (value from C to D): 25 to 26, 3. wheel right (value from E to F): 37 to 38, 4. wheel down (value from G to H): 52 to 54, 5. wheel up (value to I): to 152. Mroocheck.driver FREQ=16 allocates the following values to PARAM0 to PARAM4 parameters: PARAM0 = 21, PARAM1 = 29, PARAM2 = 42, PARAM3 = 112, PARAM4 = 11. ------------------- For DB-PAL mode (27.50 kHz): ------------------- 1. no wheel (value from A to B): 34 to 35, 2. wheel left (value from C to D): 44 to 45, 3. wheel right (value from E to F): 65 to 66, 4. wheel down (value from G to H): 84 to 91, 5. wheel up (value to I): to 9. Mroocheck.driver FREQ=28 allocates the following values for PARAM0 to PARAM4 parameters: PARAM0 = 37, PARAM1 = 52, PARAM2 = 73, PARAM3 = 197, PARAM4 = 19. ------------------- You quit the MroocheckCal utility by turning any wheel with the left mouse button pressed. AUTOMATIC SOFTWARE INSTALLATION 1. Boot the computer from its hard disk. 2. Run Mroocheck-Install from the Mroocheck floppy disk. Note: The Installer program (from INSTALL Workbench) must be present in the C: drawer of the booting disk. Note: Mroocheck-Install installs Mroocheck.driver and FreeWheel program. FreeWheel is installed in SYS:WBStartup drawer. Note: If you use any Amiga chipset graphic mode other than PAL or NTSC please add option FREQ to the Mroocheck.driver line in S:User-Startup. FREQ=15 for PAL, NTSC or any graphic card mode, FREQ=27 for DbPAL, DbNTSC, FREQ=29 for EURO72,... MANUAL SOFTWARE INSTALLATION 1. Copy Mroocheck.driver to the C: drawer. 2. Place the line: C:Mroocheck.driver in your S:user-startup. Note: If you use any Amiga chipset graphic mode other than PAL or NTSC please add option FREQ to the Mroocheck.driver line in S:User-Startup. FREQ=15 for PAL, NTSC or any graphic card mode, FREQ=27 for DbPAL, DbNTSC, FREQ=29 for EURO72,... You can also start Mroocheck.driver from icon. ADDITIONAL SOFTWARE With the Mroocheck interface you could also use the following programs for interpreting wheel movements with the current Amiga software: MuiWheel12.lha MCC_Nlist0_89.lha IntuiWheel10.lha All these programs are available from Aminet. Web sites created by users of the Mroocheck interface and used for mutual counselling: http://off.free.fr/mroocheck/ http://www.multimania.com/cptblood/mroocheck.html GREETINGS TO: Simon N. Goodwin for the suggestion of using analogue Amiga inputs (for wheel support), Alastair M. Robinson for allowing to bundle FreeWheel software with the Mroocheck interface. MROOCHECK.DRIVER HISTORY 1.0 (08 March 2000) - first release, 1.1 (11 April 2000) - DBL option for DbPAL and DbNTSC mode added, 1.2 (05 May 2000) - the FREQ option for all the Amiga resolution modes added (replace DBL option), option QUIT for deactivating the driver added, 1.5 (25 Sep 2000) - PARAM0 to PARAM4 parameters added to enable manual calibration of A/D systems in Amiga. SUPPORT support@elbox.com www.elbox.com